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SEN Transition ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Transition at both ends of a child’s school career has a key role to play in their development and early educational career.

It is important to us that children are well prepared for the next steps in their educational journey. We, as a school, recognise that this particular point in a child’s school career can be especially important for children with additional needs.

The following procedures are put in place:


How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school 

Our Reception Class Teacher, Mrs Crosby, will visit your child in their current Nursery setting.  All children who are starting Reception in September will be invited to attend a Moving Up Day in July. They will attend for half a session (either a morning or an afternoon) to meet our staff and explore our Foundation Stage Unit. Parents and Carers are also invited to attend a meeting with Foundation Stage staff during the Summer Term in preparation for September.

How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school 

In July every year, we have a “Moving Up day” where children spend time with their new class teacher in their new classroom.

If children have additional needs and we feel that they would benefit from additional transition, (for example, children who experience extreme anxiety, children who do not respond well to change, children who rely on routines, children with ASD) we make additional arrangements to support these children through the transition. This can include spending additional time in their new classroom, visiting their new classroom with their current member of support staff, beginning transition arrangements earlier in the Summer Term or photographs of their new classroom to take home and talk about with Parents and Carers during the Summer holidays. The support provided is tailored to the needs of individual children and will be discussed with parents and carers. Current and new teachers meet to exchange information about children with SEND so that new teachers can prepare for the child to start in their new class.

How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school 

Once Secondary School places have been allocated, a Transition Link works between our cluster of schools throughout the Spring and Summer Terms in Year 6. The transition worker liaises with children and families in order to ensure they are fully prepared for the next stage of their education. Our main schools that pupils transition to are Wellfield School, Shotton Hall Academy and Belmont School, however, if your child is not moving to one of those schools, we work closely with other schools including Special Schools in order to ensure the smoothest transition possible. All secondary schools have transition days where your child can meet their new class teacher and their classmates. They will also have opportunities to participate in sample lessons. In addition to this, all children in Year 6 have opportunities to work with the schools throughout Year 6 in order to prepare them for the transition into their next school.

Our SENCO will ensure that all SEND information is passed onto the next school to ensure that they are fully aware of any additional needs your child may have. Their individual needs will also be discussed with the transition links during their visits.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.